Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy 1st Anniversary

I know I'm not a pro in writing. I'm a self confessed reader of anything from books to novels and obviously blogs that I've come across the internet- this is a secret no more to those who know me.  Blog hopping is somehow a part of my daily routines, never a day passed without me reading blogs of my many favorite bloggers.

It took me a while to succumb to blogging for reasons that I'm not a writer and I don't even know what entry to post if ever I'll have one. My love to travel is the sole reason why I created my very own blog.

When I decided to have a blog, I had a hard time naming it and was even confused which free blogging site will I register. Honestly, I can't count anymore how many blog sites I've registered before I ended here in wordpress.

Till now, I still can't believe that my first ever post led to a year of many other posts. Yeah, you read it right, my haven, the Traveler's Haven turns 1 year this month. When I started this, I didn't know if I can maintain and continue updating. I have my restless feet to thank for why my blog is still running and hopefully will continue it's run in the next coming years. It's my travel that inspires me to post entries. I don't have much followers but I always get giddy upon seeing someone unknown likes my post.

Thank you to my few readers for taking time to read my craft, to all my friends and colleagues who took time to read and even post my blog link to their own site, and to my anonymous guest blogger thanks a lot (when will I get your next entry?).  To HIM up there, thank you for the blessings and the the gift of love all the time. Ohh boy, I sounded like a FAMAS winner here giving a thank you speech. But seriously from the bottom of the four chambers of my heart I humbly say thank you for being a part of my blog.