I've been to Camiguin Island twice already, I was a 6th grader during the first time and a college student the second time. That was soooo ancient, right? Last May 3-4, 2012 was my 3rd. My excitement is towering for several reasons. One, I'll be with my circle of friends (no dull moment if you love your company, right?). Two, it's a temporary escape from work to get a breath of fresh air. Three, it's my official summer escapade.
We rented a van worth P2,500 to bring us to Balingoan (a wharf going to Camiguin Island) from Cagayan de Oro City. I always like to travel in group aside from the fun it also means less moolaah.

That's a stolen shot during our arrival in Balingoan at around 11am. Stolen shots are funny and cool. We have so many captured unguarded moments during this trip. We can't help but laugh with all our funny facial expressions and gestures.
We already had pre-arranged place and transportation in Camiguin. A jeepney was there waiting for our arrival and would be our ride all throughout our Camiguin stay.
Shakey, one of our colleagues, had a friend in Camiguin who celebrated their town fiesta. Shakey tagged us along and brought us with her for that sumptuous fiesta lunch.

Here's some of us enjoying the meal. Almost all of us were clueless about this "pamista" plan. Since our arrival was so timely for lunch, we went inside with big grin in our faces. What a way to feed our hungry tummies!!!!!!

After lunch, we went straight to Sto Nino Cold Spring. Not a single minute was wasted. Everyone jumped and enjoyed the cold, wide pool. I personally love this place coz it's not that deep thus allowing those aheeerm aheeerrmm non swimmers to enjoy it till sawa.

Group pictorial before leaving the place. We didn't change our wet swim wears since we're heading to another swim at Ardent Spring. This is one of the things I like about Camiguin, the place can be explored for a good whole day.

That's "kiping" we had playfully taken a bite. I officially declared it as the group's "official" food.
A crunchy kakanin made of cassava flour mix. It's kinda like lumpia wrappers only it is fried to golden brown perfection. The caramelized sugar drizzled all over it completes the crunchy treat. It tastes sooo good that everytime we saw it displayed we have to buy more. Wow, I sounded like a food blogger here!!!!

The jeepney driver suggested that we will take a picture in a specific spot where 3 mountains called Tres Maria's as our background. But the child in all of us wanted to goof with the camera in the middle of the bridge.

Our next stop is the Old Church Ruins. There's nothing much you can see here except those sturdy stone walls as part of the church's remains, the green grasses and trees in the surroundings.

Behind us is one of the stone walls.

The Sunken Cemetery. A large cross stands guard over the location. You can ride a boat for P20 to get there and take some amazing shots.
Talking about amazing shots, let me show you some.

Meet the Gamolo family, among us all, they were the only one who went to the station where the large cross is. You would think a professional photographer shot their pictures, but no it's their tour guide slash their bangkero who took it for them. 
After the crystal clear and fresh water experience at Sto Nino Cold Spring we then ushered our restless feet to one of the famous spots in Camiguin - Ardent Hibuk-Hibuk Spring.

Ardent Spring is one of the must visit spots in the island. I personally suggest to make this place as your last stop of your day tour . The warm water and the laid back ambiance is undeniably soothing and relaxing. Dare not forget also the fun you'll have when it's coupled with a chit chat with whoever your company is... oh my, I could just imagine it right now.
Time to wrap the day and changed our wet clothes. We then stroll nearby the place we're staying to look for a resto. Everyone's craving for food. While walking, one hospitable Camiguin local told us that there's a "near" restaurant along the highway. We followed his advise and started walking. Goodness gracious if only we knew that his meaning of near is a 1 kilometer walk we could have just stayed and cook canned goods instead.
Finally after that long walk, we were able to find the restaurant and immediately ordered for our dinner. Take note this was at exactly 8:46pm. (Yes you read it right I checked the exact time right after we were told to wait for 30 minutes for our order). 
Again their meaning of 30 minutes turned out to be 1 hour and 3 minutes, they served our food at around 9:49pm (yes I checked the time again). That picture above is not one of those you-pretend-to-be-asleep-shot. They really fell asleep while waiting.
Once everything laid out in the table, the food was literally attacked and it was all wiped out in less than 10 minutes. Not one remembered to take pictures of our order which we normally used to do. The 1 kilometer walk and the 1 hour wait were forgotten coz the foods were actually delicious. I'm no food expert but I must say what they served to us were worth everything we've been through.
I planned to just have 1 entry for this Camiguin escapade but looked what I've got --- a looong post. The chikadora in me is hard to control. LOL.
Watch out for my Day 2 entry then.
A big thanks to Allen and Shakey for these pictures I've stolen from their FB albums.